It is a wonderful thing to have quality time with the Lord. He promises that as you seek more intimacy with Him, His presence will break forth in your life, working His divine order all around you. Yet something even greater than this will happen: The continual pursuit of God’s presence will lead you into a revelation of Christ’s glory.
Moses sought God for a manifestation of the Lord’s presence “that I may know thee” (Exodus 33:13). Here is how God answered His servant: “My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest” (33:14). Moses’ request here would be enough for most Christians. Who among us does not want God’s promised peace and rest? What more could anyone desire? Yet, having the assurance of God’s presence wasn’t enough for Moses. He knew there was more, and he cried, “I beseech thee, show me thy glory” (Exodus 33:18). And God did show Moses His glory! The Lord’s glory didn’t appear in some luminous cloud or in an earthshaking demonstration of power. Instead, God expressed His glory in a simple revelation of His nature: “The Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed, The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin” (Exodus 34:6–7). Do you see? God’s glory was a revelation of His goodness, mercy, love and compassion. Settling the issue of The Lord of Jesus Christ.
Many cultural Christians think church is a good thing, but they are not committed. They are not involved in any ministry. They don’t sacrificially give. They couldn’t tell you the last time they told someone about Jesus. They come to church about once every couple months because they are “just so busy.” (Plus, their extended family has a beach house and so they try and get down to it for the weekend whenever the weather is nice.) For these people, church is a good thing, but they’re just not interested in making it a priority. Ask any of these people if they are saved, and they will say “yes.” They will tell you about a time when they prayed a prayer and got baptized. But they don’t live their lives as if Jesus is Lord. Aren’t these like the branches that God removed from Israel? “Now if some of the branches were broken off, and you, though a wild olive branch, were grafted in among them and have come to share in the rich root of the cultivated olive tree, do not boast that you are better than those branches … they were broken off because of unbelief, but you stand by faith. Do not be arrogant, but beware, because if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either.” – Romans 11:17–21 CSB If we see that God was willing to cut off branches from his own original tree because of their unbelief, why would we (who have been grafted somewhat unnaturally into this Jewish tree) ever think we can get away with the very things that got them removed? The same transgressions that got Israel removed from the tree—compromise, taking their salvation for granted, giving lip-service to God, and going through religious motions without their hearts really belonging to him—are rampant within the church today. I am especially concerned for children who grow up in church, are raised in Christian families, and live up to expectations by, at some point, “getting saved.” They avoid most major sins—at least, the ones they think are major. But in their heart of hearts, they know Jesus is not Lord. If this is you, Paul says, “Wake up! If this is what God did to the sons and daughters of Abraham, it’s what he will do to you, too!” Sometimes Christians will use a perverted version of the doctrine of eternal security to assure themselves they belong to God. This doctrine says, “once saved, always saved.” That is, once you are truly saved, you can never lose it. Eternal security is a glorious and comforting truth. But notice what Paul says in Romans 11:20: You will be kept if you avoid the unbelief that overcame Israel and “stand by faith.” If… We have two seemingly contradictory truths: On the one hand, the Bible says that once God saves you, you’ll always be saved (e.g., John 10; Romans 8); on the other, it says that only if you endure to the end will you be saved (cf. Hebrews 3:12–14). You have to put the two together. One of the essential marks of truly saving faith is that it endures to the end. The real doctrine of eternal security reads like this: Not only “once saved, always saved” but also “once saved, forever following.” Having a faith that endures to the end is evidence that you possess the salvation you could never lose. Not enduring to the end is evidence you never had it to begin with. Saving faith is staying faith. You see, the evidence of saving faith is not the intensity of emotion at the beginning but its endurance over time. Think of it like a marriage: You don’t judge the sincerity of a marriage vow by the lavishness of the wedding ceremony but by the faithful commitment that follows it. When it comes to God, a lot of Christians are all ceremony, no marriage. So, we must be cautious. Beware tolerating compromise in your life. Beware being casual and complacent in spiritual growth. Beware, lest sins you let go unchecked grow up and choke out your faith. My fear for many in the church today is what Paul’s was—that they take forgiveness for granted, assume it is their birthright, and do the very things that got Israel removed. Maybe they prayed their prayer, and they’re satisfied to sit complacent with their “get out of hell free” card. Or maybe they follow “Prozac Jesus,” who comforts them and is their BFF in a jam. But nothing about their life says that Jesus is in charge. If we put you on trial for being a Christian, and the only admissible testimony was that of your friends, would there be enough evidence to convict you? If the only evidence we considered could come from what your spouse observes of you at home, would there be enough evidence to convict you? If your best friends at school or those in your family don’t know that you are a Christian, you probably aren’t. Who you are in the unseen, unrehearsed moments is who you are. Period. Friend, if God removed those branches from Israel who didn’t really walk with God and submit to his lordship, won’t he also remove you? The only Jesus is Lord Jesus--Lord of all or not Lord at all. His lordship is demonstrated not by the confession of your lips but the obedience of your life. Greetings in Jesus Name,
I pray that you are doing well and enjoying time with your family. We are looking forward to work with you in 2024. I believe that God has some exciting things in store for our church. After much time in prayer, I believe that God has given us the vision to move forward in 2024. The primary goal for this church is to promote a vision of future collaboration in disciple making, the greatest mission on planet earth. Let’s begin by praying that our church will continue to be a gospel beacon in the midst of this busy season, with people coming and going in a thousand directions. There is so much for which we can give God praise! Praise God for the amazing truths we’ve been mining from the Bible, whether in a sermon or Bible study! May He continue to use this, to form in us, a better understanding and practice of our gospel core. Praise God for the unified worship and fellowship that we will enjoy with 2 services next year! Pray that God will be honored as we humbly value one another above ourselves and love one another deeply from the heart (Philippians 2:1-5 and 1 Peter 1:22). Praise God for our Life Groups that will continue to meet each week and sharing in discipleship. Praise God for providing us with our new Facility. Praise God for the many activities that will be planned in 2024 by all the different ministries. Let’s pray that God will use each and every one of these ministries as opportunities for us to win the lost, build up believers, and equip leaders for ministry. Pray for more believers to use their gifts in service, that each deeply devoted follower of Jesus would offer every part of themselves as an instrument of righteousness (Romans 6:13). Let’s pray for future ministry opportunities still to come this 2024. Pray for our ministers as we have ongoing counseling to various people. Pray for the preaching and teaching from God’s Word in our Sunday service as well as multiple Bible studies and discipleship groups. May we teach God’s Word accurately and may it change us from the inside out (Hebrews 4:12-13). Pray for our musicians, including their voices and instruments, that each Sunday they would be empowered to lead us in worshipping an audience of One (Psalm 150). Please pray for our current preparations for our upcoming Equip 2 Serve on January 4th. Pray that our church family will eagerly and willingly respond to the need for volunteers to serve God’s Kingdom purposes. Pray that we’ll have the physical resources and funding that we need to be well-resourced. Pray for favor with our community as we not only disciple our own brethren in the faith, but also bless those in our community who need to know Christ (Matthew 19:13-15). Pray that we’ll not only reach the children and youth, but also their families. May the gospel be declared to those who need to hear it, and may it be received by faith and then lived out in joy and victory! As I scan through our recent prayer chain requests, I’m reminded of our need to pray for those from our church family with ongoing health struggles. Let’s pray that the Lord will sustain them with His comfort and strength as they long for relief and healing. May God do His work in His time, and may we come alongside one another to help carry these burdens together (Romans 12:10 and Hebrews 13:1). Pray that we’ll be considerate and find tangible ways that we can show our genuine care and concern for one another. Let’s also remember to pray for each one of our missionaries serving near and far. Pray for endurance and productivity for those whose ministries involve content creation either through writing, audio, online, or otherwise. Pray for those who are translating God’s Word into other languages, that they will do so accurately and effectively for different people groups. Pray for those serving in closed countries, for safety and legal permission to remain there. Pray for favor with the local people and governing authorities. Pray for effective gospel transmission in the midst of a variety of cultures and worldviews. Pray for those who are ministering in settings where people have been affected by deep, life-altering trauma. Pray for personal mental health, as well as keen insight into how they can best help those they serve who are in complex life situations. As always, please continue to pray fervently, that our church will become more and more the church that God would have us be. Brothers and Sisters in Christ, thank you for praying. Together for Christ, Pastor David 3-DAYS FASTING AND PRAYER (January 3-5, 2024) STRATEGY OF JESUS> God desires that our church would GROW – > The desire of God is that nobody should parish. He came to seek and to save that which was lost. His heart is in the great commission. (Luke 24:47) > The Strategy of Jesus is - THE HOMES. The N.T. church practiced it. Inspired by the discipleship of Christ. To accomplish this we have to understand…
Biblically, our mission is clear: > We must evangelize the world and make disciples (Matthew 28:19–20). These two things should occupy most of our efforts and activity as a church. If someone made a careful analysis of the calendar of your local church, what would it reveal? Would it show that the church is focused on evangelism and making disciples of the lost? History teaches us that growing churches are mission-focused. Their activities and calendars reflect their commitment to the mission. On the other hand, there are congregations that are very active, but focus on other things. These congregations, despite their business, do not see much fruit for their labors. We have to understand…
Stagnant churches are only driven by their activities and not by God’s purpose. Instead of having activities-driven, traditional programs, by refocusing on the mission of the Christian Life Center, the SIMPLIFIED STRATEGY seeks to FOCUS the church to its main task and mission, which is to win the world for Jesus Christ (Mark 16:15).
The four purposes we find in the seed analogy of Mark 4:26–29 are vital to a great harvest. These purposes (that represent four stages of development) lead new believers through the teachings of Jesus so that they may experience birth, growth, maturity, and multiplication. > The intention of these four purposes is for our friends to experience the new birth, grow in their relationship with the body of Christ, mature in their service to the Lord, multiply by winning others for Christ, and to fully use their God-given gifts to serve Him. Through the SIMPLIFIED STRATEGY, we propose a simple and practical program that we can use to transition to the cellular model with greater ease. This model can be applied in a cell group where the leader is committed, and its members are supportive. It does not take masses to start winning souls. It only takes a small group of Christ’s disciples who are committed to the task He has entrusted to us: “Go and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15. 1. The New Birth Cycle How can we implement the New Birth Cycle? The New Birth Cycle is a 16-week cycle. This cycle may be repeated up to three times a year in a local church. The goal of the New Birth Cycle is to bring the largest number of people possible into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The New Birth Cycle has three stages. First, the cycle begins with each member of the congregation or New Work praying, fasting, and attempting to evangelize ten souls each. This part of the New Birth Cycle ends with Friends Day, either in a home or at the church. Second, the church members then works so that the souls who attended the Friends Day connect to a cell group. Third, after attending the cell group they will be encouraged to receive discipleship classes. This can happen in a classroom setting at the church property. If the new birth discipleship class takes place in a cell group, it should be on a different day from the day of the weekly cell group meeting. In that case, it will be person to person. The goal is that they surrender their lives to Christ and be baptized in water and in the Holy Ghost (John 3:5). Subsequently, the newly baptized person will continue to be mentored until they become a soul winner themselves. Below, are the three key processes of the New Birth Cycle in detail, which, if well executed, will eventually produce a harvest of souls:
2. The Evangelistic Cycle The Evangelistic Cycle consists of a 5-week synchronized effort, in which all the baptized members of the cell or church work to bring ten new souls to Christ. Each week, a specific task is performed:
3. The Cell Group Over the next three weeks, the church members who brought their friends to Friends Day will attempt to integrate them into the Cell Group. There they will develop new friendships and continue to hear God’s Word. The power of the Word and their new-found friends will lead them to an encounter with God. It is essential to continue praying for them. This will be helpful in permanently integrating them into a cell group. 4. The School of Discipleship The visitor will then be discipled. For the next two months, the new visitor will attend a discipleship class. The weekly lesson will be given to the New Cell group member from the Discipleship Level One Manual. If the discipleship class is given in the cell group, it should be held on a different day from the cell meeting. The purpose of these studies is to lay a biblical foundation in the heart of the persons visiting so that they will make the decision to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38). During this time, prayers should be made so that the visiting friend receives the baptism of the Holy Ghost. The New Birth Cycle culminates with a baptismal celebration; an event that can be called “Harvest Festival”, “Festival of Baptisms”, or something similar. Proverbs 11:30: The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, And he who wins souls is wise. The SIMPLIFIED STRATEGY purposes much more than bringing people to the church, its purpose is to train Christians to become disciples that sow the Word of God in others. We are praying that through the Strategy of Jesus a great revival will come to Christian Life Center. Our willingness to sow the seed of God’s Word will determine the extent of our growth. The greater the sowing; the greater the harvest. I'M GOING TO STOP GOING TO CHURCH TO SEE IF THE PASTOR CALLS ME AND IF HE REALLY CARES ABOUT ME..." Many Christians in their immaturity make this type of "test" to their pastors and churches. For many, the Church and pastoral work is about making them feel good about themselves and having a "babysitter" who consents to them, who will be attentive and aware of them 24 hours a day. They have not understood the purpose of the Church! The Church is not about being treated well or taken care of, it is about teaching me to live according to the teachings of Jesus, the Church is not the shepherd, the Church is me! It's not about seeing what others do for me or who is interested in me, it's about training me so that I can witness what CHRIST HAS DONE IN ME. By wanting to put this type of "tests" or trials to the Church or to the pastors, to stay away until they come looking for me, or to stop participating until the pastor comes to visit me, only reflects immaturity in the Christian and endangers their spiritual growth and unfortunately that of their families, since by playing their "games" they deprive their children of the spiritual environment of the Church that will help them to be prepared for the time of tribulation. When talking about participating in communion, Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11:28, "Therefore, let each one taste himself, and eat so much of bread, and drink from the cup." He doesn't say that you test the pastor or the leaders, but yourself. The Church will pray for me, but I have to be present! The pastor will be able to advise me, but I have to be present! The brothers will fellowship with me, but I have to be present! The Church will support me when I need it, but I have to be present! Get involved, participate, communicate, get together, you are the Church, don't wait for someone to come and bring you by the hand! I have no idea what 2023 holds for you. But whether it’s a year where you reach your goals or not has nothing to do with your circumstances. It’s all about your perspective.
The economy might tank. Our church might struggle. Your family may face challenges. Yet the most important question you’ll face in 2023 is, will you look at the year with faith rather than fear? The choice is in your hands. The Israelites had the same choice in Numbers 13, a story most of us are familiar with. Moses had led the Israelites out of Egypt, where they had been slaves for 400 years. They had already spent two years in the desert. Moses then sent 12 spies, one from each of the tribes, into the Promised Land to see what was in store for the Israelites when they arrived. Ten of the spies came back with reports of fear. They told the Israelites the land was full of enemies the Israelites couldn’t beat, whereas, in reality, the Promised Land was as incredible as God had promised, truly a land “flowing with milk and honey.” Only Joshua and Caleb returned with reports of faith. The Israelites chose to believe the majority of the spies rather than the two who looked at their future in faith. Because of those responses, Joshua and Caleb were the only ones of their generation who were able to enter the Promised Land. The rest of Israel would die in the wilderness. Just like the Israelites, you are heading into the unknown. None of us know what to expect in 2023. We can either look at the future in faith or in fear. Maybe our church seems to be stalling. You’re wondering if we’ll ever grow again. Maybe you have people in your life you love dearly who are constantly making bad choices and walking further and further away from God. You’ve been praying for them for years, and you’re afraid they’ll never turn to God. Maybe your marriage is falling apart. You don’t dare let anyone know, but you’re afraid divorce could be around the corner. You’ve got the same choice as the Israelites in 2023—look at your future in faith or fear. When we look at our future through the eyes of fear, we will experience the following outcomes: 1. We’ll get stressed by conflicting information. When the ten fearful spies shared their report, their story was mixed. “We entered the land you sent us to explore, and it is indeed a bountiful country—a land flowing with milk and honey . . . But the people living there are powerful, and their towns are large and fortified” (Numbers 13:27-28). The Promised Land had all the food the Israelites could want, but it was also full of large, fortified cities. Fear puts the “but” in the middle of the report. If God is going to use you, you need to get rid of the excuses. 2. We develop a scarcity mindset. A scarcity mindset happens when we focus on what we don’t have. In verse 27, the ten fearful spies note that the Promised Land has no room for them. The Amalekites, Hittites, Jebusites, Amorites, and Canaanites all had places to live in the Promised Land. There was nothing left for the Israelites. When you look at the world through eyes of fear, that’s what the future looks like. 3. We fulfill our own self-defeating prophecies. When the fear-filled spies returned, saying Israel couldn’t overcome the people already in the land (Numbers 13:31), they were right. If they didn’t believe in what God could do through them, they were already beat. The same is true for us. When we don’t believe we’ll stand a chance against all the problems we’ll face in the future, we guarantee that outcome. 4. We spread our negativity to everyone else. Your fear impacts more than just you, particularly when you’re a church leader. The Israelites believed in the fearful report of the first spies. Your family, your congregation, and your community will do the same. When you focus on your fear, you’ll lead others to move away from the perspective of faith. 5. We see ourselves as inadequate. Notice the overwhelming ways the Israelites described the people who lived in the Promised Land. “There we saw the giants. . . . we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.” (Numbers 13:32-33). When we’re afraid, we tend to act as the Israelites did. We project our fears upon others. Israelites didn’t know how they looked to the Canaanites. They felt inadequate and small, so they expected the Canaanites felt the same way. 6. We make ourselves miserable. The Israelites threw a pity party. They cried, complained, and second-guessed everything. There is nothing enjoyable about living in fear. When you throw a pity party, you miss out on everything God wants to give you in the Promised Land. None of that needs to be your story in 2023. Instead, you can choose to be like Joshua and Caleb. You can look at your future in faith and not fear. Fear is always worse than the actual object of the fear. How do you get started? One step at a time. We defeat our fear with movement MOVING FORWARD TOGETHER). You can’t argue away your fears. You can’t discuss them away. But you can take a step against your fears. Make a faith commitment today to face your fears. Remember - if God is for us - who can be against us? Summary: The greatness of a church is not measured in how many come into the church but in how many go out in ministry. The church gathers: then the church scatters. The church must go outside its walls to reach people who need the Lord.
Scripture: Romans 12:1-8 1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. 3 For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith. 4 For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, 5 so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. 6 Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith; 7 or ministry, let us use it in our ministering; he who teaches, in teaching; 8 he who exhorts, in exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness. FOUR LESSONS FROM GEESE It's really interesting how we as a church can learn so much from the instinctual behavior of one of God's creations - Geese. We will never become a church that effectively reaches out to those who are missing out if we shoot our wounded and major on the minuses. Instead of being fishers of men, as Christ has called us, we will be keepers of an ever-shrinking aquarium. Next fall when you see geese heading south for the winter, flying along in V formation, you might be interested in knowing what science has discovered about why they fly that way. It has been learned that as each bird flaps its wings, it creates uplift for the bird immediately following. By flying in a V formation, the whole flock adds at least 71 percent greater flying range than if each bird flew on its own. (Christians who share a common direction and a sense of community can get where they are going quicker and easier, because they are traveling on the thrust of one another.) Whenever a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to go it alone, and quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird immediately in front. (If we have as much sense as a goose, we will stay in formation with those who are headed the same way we are going.) When the lead goose gets tired, he rotates back in the wing and another goose flies’ point. (It pays to take turns doing hard jobs—with people at church or with geese flying south.) The geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed. (What do we say when we honk from behind?) Finally, when a goose gets sick, or is wounded by a shot and falls out, two geese fall out of formation and follow him down to help and protect him. They stay with him until he is either able to fly, or until he is dead, and then they launch out on their own or with another formation to catch up with their original group. (If people knew we would stand by them like that in church, they would push down these walls to get in.) You see, all we have to do in order to attract those who are missing back to church is to demonstrate to the world that we have as much sense as geese here at church. That seems little enough price to pay to win the lost and minister to one another. Even geese have sense enough to know it works every time. I. LIFT PEOPLE UP (Encouragement) Our people need inspiration. We need to see people as God sees them. Booker T. Washington said, “You cannot hold a man down without staying down with him.” We don’t want to hold people down. We want to see them prepared and released for ministry. God has given every Christian at least one spiritual gift (Ephesians 4:11) “It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers,” Our ultimate purpose is to glorify and exalt Christ and to lift up his people (Ephesians 4:12-13): 12 to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. II. LOOK PEOPLE OVER (Enlistment) This is about recruiting. Identify people’s gifts and abilities. We’re not just looking to fill slots. People need three things to be recruited: 1. A challenge (New Testament concept of servant hood) 2. A change within (surrendering your rights) 3. A choice (God’s will as your will) We need to seek to enlist people scripturally (Ephesians 4:4-6): 4 There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope when you were called 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. III. LET PEOPLE IN (Enrollment) This is about commitment. Commitment is not an automatic process. You must show it to others and seek it in others. A good motto is: “Give up your rights; pick up your ministry.” Two of our most precious commodities are time and ability. Those who are being enlisted need to know three things: 1. Philosophy (what they are) 2. Purpose (where they are going) 3. Process (how they will get there) IV. LINE PEOPLE UP (Equipping) This is about training. Provide people practical opportunities for training. Give them accountability. Preparing “God’s people for works of service” (Ephesians 4:12, NIV - to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up - is not about just assigning warm bodies to fill vacant positions. It’s about enabling people to grow in their spiritual gifts and to become more effective servants of Christ. Equipping is not to be done haphazardly. It is to be done through a process. The process for equipping is: 1. I do it (demonstrating); 2. I do it and you’re with me (mentoring); 3. You do it and I am with you (monitoring); 4. You do it (multiplying). V. LET PEOPLE OUT (Implementation) This is about real ministry. The greatness of a church is not measured in how many come into the church but in how many go out in ministry. The church gathers; then the church scatters. The church must go outside its walls to reach people who need the Lord. The effectiveness of our churches depends on the number of people who are involved in meaningful ministry. Several years ago, in England, Sir John Barbirolli was conducting a great symphony orchestra before a “standing room only” audience. The concert hall was unusual in that it was used for cultural events on weekdays and for religious services on Sundays. On this particular Saturday evening, one of the patrons of the orchestra noticed that the clergyman who was to preach there the next day was in the audience. He leaned over and said to him, cynically, “When are you going to fill this hall on Sunday the way Sir John Barbirolli has tonight?” The clergyman looked his antagonist straight in the eye and said with a steady voice, “I will fill this hall on Sunday morning when you give to me, as you gave to Sir John tonight, eighty-five disciplined men and women to be with him and to work with him.” If you are with me and work with me we can fill this place not only one time on Sunday but 2 or 3 times, would that thrill your soul? Think about it as it all starts with you, then you and me, and then you me and every one else! Together we can do all things through Christ! Train yourself to be godly. - 1 Timothy 4:7
Discipline is about consistency, patience, perseverance. Little by little, habits are formed that are structured around the goal and prize. This is true of managing our finances, caring for our health, nurturing relationships, and becoming more like Christ. There are no shortcuts to lasting results. An athlete’s consistent training routine doesn’t make them the best instantly, but over time it shows up in their game performance, in longevity of career, and ability to avoid injury. Doing the little things consistently reaps rewards over time. If you want to save for a financial goal, develop deep friendships, or mature in your faith, it will require paying attention to the little things. If you want to live a healthy life, it’s about making wise eating, exercising, and sleeping decisions along the way. Proverbs 13:11 reminds us that steady diligence pays off. Steady diligence amounts to training. In our journey towards Christ-likeness, being obedient in even the smallest detail can bring the power of God into our lives. Don’t underestimate the value of being faithful in the routine, even dull, duties of life. Godliness grows slowly. Be patient with the process. As you slowly but consistently incorporate spiritual practices into your life, you will learn the humble posture of listening and responding to the Holy Spirit. Read His Word, spend time talking to Him and listening to His voice. You will never regret spending time with God. Spiritual disciplines help us learn to pay attention. Any intentional practice that trains you to pay attention to God, deepens your relationship with Him, and conforms you to His character is worth incorporating into the fabric of your life. There is no fast track to holiness. So, what path are you on? “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14 His sheep follow him because they know his voice. - John 10:4
Stop doing this or that. Eat less. Exercise more. Clean the garage. Keep my car cleaner. Be nicer to everyone. Stop yelling at my kids. Have a date night with my spouse. We all have those kinds of lists, don’t we? Whether in ancient or modern times, human nature hasn’t changed. The tyranny of the urgent often wins the battle for our attention. Many people mark the coming new year with the expectations of life changing resolutions, diet and exercise plans, and just general good intentions. But there is another option. Some Christians mark the beginning of the new year with a fast, such as we are doing (21 Days). Fasting provides us with an opportunity to reconsider our priorities and align ourselves with God and His purposes. Scripture certainly commends dietary fasts. We also realize that sometimes it’s equally meaningful to fast from things that occupy too much of our attention, whether it’s electronics, media, or social media. Whatever we choose to fast from, the true benefits are an opportunity for greater intimacy with God (read Matt 6:16-18). God wants to develop in each of us spiritual sensitivity to His voice and guidance. The more time we spend with our Shepherd, the greater ability we have to hear His voice (John 10:3-5, 14-16). We all dread interruptions. Unfortunately, that mindset often really limits our ability to pay attention to God in the here-and-now. We may miss His overtures towards us because we are not looking for them, or don’t have time for them! In our fast-paced, competitive culture, fasting might train us to slow down our pace and make room for God to come into our lives as He chooses. Perhaps instead of dreading this time of sacrifice, we might learn to embrace it. It can produce rich spiritual dividends. Fasting gives us a chance to change up our routine, which can help us look at old things in new ways, to look at things from God’s perspective. To the extent that food is a distraction, fasting can help us to free ourselves to be fully present to what the Holy Spirit is saying to us. We can regain a Godly perspective, regain composure, and put things in their rightful place. In Scripture, we will hear the voice of our Shepherd. We just come with a posture of submitting to what He wants to bring to our attention. Are you listening? “12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; 13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” - Philippians 2:12-13
This past year I watched the season finale of America’s Got Talent. I couldn’t help but be inspired by the singer-songwriter and pianist Kodi Lee. Born with optic nerve hypoplasia, he is legally blind. He was also diagnosed with autism at an early age and suffers from Addison’s disease as well. Despite all the challenges he has faced, at the end of the final show, Kodi Lee was announced the winner of Season 14. Kodi Lee winning the show isn’t what inspired me the most. What inspired me even more was his answer to the question: “What will you do with the money now that you won America’s Got Talent?” Kodi responded by saying, “I am going to buy a grand piano in every color.” Wait a minute, stop the press. Kodi is legally blind. What would buying a piano in every color do for him? Why would he want to do that? Had Kodi Lee known all the obstacles and challenges he would face in his life do you think he would have continued, or, for that matter, even started? His answer is a great reminder that you don’t need sight to have a vision. Let me say that again: you don’t need sight to have a vision. If God has given you a vision for your life, you don’t have to see every step along the way in order to start moving toward it. God had a plan and gave the prophet Nehemiah a vision to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem. Nehemiah didn’t wait for the blueprints; he didn’t wait to see every step mapped out for him. He got started. Nehemiah encountered many obstacles along the way. He even had to train the people building the wall to fight with swords as they encountered resistance. “17 Then I said to them, “You see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lies waste, and its gates are burned with fire. Come and let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer be a reproach.” 18 And I told them of the hand of my God which had been good upon me, and also of the king’s words that he had spoken to me. So they said, “Let us rise up and build.” Then they set their hands to this good work.” (Nehemiah 2:17-18) Perhaps we, like Nehemiah, just need to keep being faithful to respond to the “next step” God gives us. After all, what He is doing in us is just as important as the destination. He’s got the future under control; our job is to trust and obey. |
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